
Budget: Low-tax ‘investment zones’ to be rolled out across UK

Hunt to announce approximately £1 bn support for investment zones across the UK , in order to boost growth in key sectors. Each zone will receive £80mln of public support over five years, alongside gaining tax incentives such as lower business rates or employer national insurance, according to Financial Times sources. The aim is to upskill workers and provide specialist support for businesses, many of which have called for further public funding in recent months. Hunt’s scheme will partially bring the plan to life, operating alongside ‘freeports’ at twelve UK airports and

Property Consulting

Green light ready for Mixed- Use scheme:

An application proposing the creation of a series of blocks providing both commercial and residential space could soon move forward. The application site comprises a number of blocks in commercial use, including a gym, barbers, hot food takeaways, restaurants, estate agents and nail salon. This would deliver net gains on residential units and would increase housing affordability. The approval of this scheme has been recommended and the application itself has demonstrated that it can be developed within the existing framework . _____________________________ Shou


Major defence investment in launch of integrated review refresh announced:

UK has launched the 2023 Integrated Review refresh to respond to the increasing global volatility. They have confirmed an additional £5billion to be provided to the Ministry of Defence to bolster 'ammunition stocks' , fund the next phase of the AUKUS submarine programme and modernise the UK's nuclear enterprise. This has been the largest sustained increase since the Cold War (1991). The Prime Minister will also set out an ambition to increase defence spending to 2.5% of GDP in the longer term, and the UK will lead a conversation with Allies on future posture and burden sha

Property Consulting

How property technology could help solve the UK’s housing crisis:

House prices have been rising without a rhyme or reason for years, however, there aren't enough properties to buy and a majority of the properties don't mee the government standard. However, the ever evolving landscape of property technology is providing digital solutions to the property and real estate scene. The average house in England is costing 9 times the amount over the average salary and so affordability is a major issue in this crisis. The spiralling price of property has encouraged entrepreneurs from proptech and fintech to come up with solutions that make ascend


Recession in the US: more women are now worried about retirement

Nearly half of women in the US are facing a financial crisis; approximately a quarter of women are facing one according to the nationwide survey. There is a lack of preparation for the recession, due to locals being blindsided by the events in the outside world. Working women are currently finding it hard to balance their lifestyles and are therefore looking to relocate if it will be cheaper. The stress levels have been increased by 10% since the pandemic , related to feeling that women may not be able to retire at all. However, as women are now allowed to have a bigger ro