
Budget: Low-tax ‘investment zones’ to be rolled out across UK

Hunt to announce approximately £1 bn support for investment zones across the UK , in order to boost growth in key sectors. Each zone will receive £80mln of public support over five years, alongside gaining tax incentives such as lower business rates or employer national insurance, according to Financial Times sources. The aim is to upskill workers and provide specialist support for businesses, many of which have called for further public funding in recent months. Hunt’s scheme will partially bring the plan to life, operating alongside ‘freeports’ at twelve UK airports and

Property Consulting

Green light ready for Mixed- Use scheme:

An application proposing the creation of a series of blocks providing both commercial and residential space could soon move forward. The application site comprises a number of blocks in commercial use, including a gym, barbers, hot food takeaways, restaurants, estate agents and nail salon. This would deliver net gains on residential units and would increase housing affordability. The approval of this scheme has been recommended and the application itself has demonstrated that it can be developed within the existing framework . _____________________________ Shou


Major defence investment in launch of integrated review refresh announced:

UK has launched the 2023 Integrated Review refresh to respond to the increasing global volatility. They have confirmed an additional £5billion to be provided to the Ministry of Defence to bolster 'ammunition stocks' , fund the next phase of the AUKUS submarine programme and modernise the UK's nuclear enterprise. This has been the largest sustained increase since the Cold War (1991). The Prime Minister will also set out an ambition to increase defence spending to 2.5% of GDP in the longer term, and the UK will lead a conversation with Allies on future posture and burden sha


Recession in the US: more women are now worried about retirement

Nearly half of women in the US are facing a financial crisis; approximately a quarter of women are facing one according to the nationwide survey. There is a lack of preparation for the recession, due to locals being blindsided by the events in the outside world. Working women are currently finding it hard to balance their lifestyles and are therefore looking to relocate if it will be cheaper. The stress levels have been increased by 10% since the pandemic , related to feeling that women may not be able to retire at all. However, as women are now allowed to have a bigger ro


Why have interest rates in the UK increased, again?

The Bank of England has raised interest rates for the 10th time in a row, upping the base rate from 3.5 per cent to 4 per cent. The Bank have commented upon the fact that the UK is still heading into a recession, however, but the downturn will be shorter and less steep. Therefore, we will be able to recover quicker. Peak-to-trough gross domestic product (GDP) is set to shrink by 1 per cent – down from the 3 per cent previously projected. Rates will then stay above 3.25 per cent for at least the next three years, according to the forecast. This is despite inflation starting


EU in discussion to loosen state aid rules:

The EU is planning to loosen state aid rules to boost renewables investment. The EU is aiming to get on par with the US green subsidy race. European policymakers have been under pressure to respond to the US president Joe Biden’s $369bn (£298bn) Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to encourage renewables investment in everything from electric cars to wind turbines. BP released a statement lobal carbon emissions were expected to fall quicker than it had previously expected as a result of the war in Ukraine and Biden’s efforts to encourage green investment. ________________

Property Consulting

Many offshore companies with UK property are not stating real owners:

Many properties owned by offshore companies are in secretive trusts and are still not declaring their owners, however, the deadline as set by Companies House is this Tuesday. Over 2,400 companies have no public information on the register about who is behind them. Holding properties through offshore companies is legal and some individuals may have genuine and legitimate privacy or security concerns or business reasons for using them. Experts say it can be done to minimise an individual’s tax liability as the owner or buyer of a property or, until now, to allow a property t

Property Consulting

UK property funds are curbed on the withdrawals!

The withdrawal requests from some UK property fund investors are being delayed due to 'market conditions'. Now, it has been understood that the total price of facing curbs is a whopping £15 billion. Open-ended real estate funds in Britain have been battling to meet a surge in demand for redemptions against a backdrop of high inflation and economic uncertainty, as valuations come under pressure from rising interest rates. Investors who put in requests to withdraw money from the 1.7 billion pound CBRE Property Authorised Investment Fund in the third quarter will receive "aro


UK businesses cut investment, as the interest rate rises

Senior Executives from the Bank of England suggest that the higher interest rates are denting capital spending, however, are expecting a slight increase in wages. Business leader have commented that as there was an increase in interest their investing has decreased by 8%. Despite this, a 0.5% wage growth is predicted. This is hinting to the BoE having to now tighten their monetary policy in 2023. Moreover, inflation expectations within businesses were unchanged. Post Pandemic the UK economy entered into a recession which resulted in higher interest rates and higher energy

Property Consulting

Will mortgage costs go down in the UK?

The housing prices having fallen fourth month in a row suggests falling mortgage rates. There is also and increase in competition for providing the best rate since the cost of living, was declared a crisis. The rates are expected to hit approximately 4% in March. Currently, the average two-year fixed mortgage rate is 5.78 per cent, while the average five per cent is slightly lower at 5.61 per cent, according to the personal finance data firm Moneyfacts. Rates have decreased by 0.21 per cent since the same time last month. If it does not fall as quickly as expected then the

Property Consulting

BlackRock extends block on UK property fund redemptions

The fund manager, BlackRock has further delayed the redemptions on it UK property fund standing at £3.5bn as it is concerned about the difficult market conditions. It is a way of rebalancing its portfolio and freeing up cash for investors in the firm. Other fund managers, have all restricted withdrawals from UK property funds in the recent months. Due to rising interest rates, many benefit schemes have improved their funding positions and therefore are looking to offload properties, as they are high risk assets. The BlackRock fund has been running since 1982, their perform


UK has upped the investment in order to become the ‘science superpower’

Taking the company Wild Bioscience, formed by Ross Hendron which works on projects at the intersection between molecular and computational biology. He explains : "Farmer's are are the forefront of climate change and we're giving them the tools to sustainably feed the planet population." This is one of the hundred of life sciences and biotech companies. George Freeman, expresses his mission to shift UK as being the academic powerhouse to a science superpower. The decision by the government to scale back its research and development tax credit scheme in the last budget was


What are the two best investment trusts for 2023?

Stocks like Regional REIT are great investments to own during economic downturns. Their dependable rental incomes can allow them to provide better dividends than those offered by the broader market. However, the prospects of long-term dividend growth here as the UK economy struggles. Post-Brexit troubles and major structural issues (like low business investment and weak productivity) are huge threats over the next decade. Secondly, stocks such as  abrdn European Logistics Income  is focused on logistics and warehouse assets on the continent. In total, it owns 27 assets acr

Property Consulting

UK house prices fall for the fourth month in a row!

Average house prices have gone down in the longest run since 2008. The average house prices are approximately £262,068, the house price growth has also been the lowest since the middle of 2020 during the pandemic. House price growth slowed in all UK regions, particularly in south-west England, where the annual rate fell from 12.5% to 4.3% in the last quarter, while in Wales annual growth slowed from 12.1% to 4.5%. England overall recorded a rate of 4.8%, down from 9.9%, with London the weakest performing English region, as annual growth eased to 4.1% from 6.7% in the third


Treasury official demands ‘stablecoin’ legislation:

  Companies which are not authorised to offer 'stablecoins' , according to the U.S. Treasury for Domestic Finance, suggests they should be penalised under legislation imposed. This concern escalated after there was uproar in 2019 over a 'token' that potentially was used by millions to grow their crypto. This currency is "pegged" to the U.S. Dollar and should be protected to reduce the levels of corruption and for the industry to grow. The treasury demands the Congress to intervene and address the regulatory gaps. Addressing this issue will enable financial inclusion and U.

Property Consulting, Uncategorized

Tax corner: Considering the value of corporate-owned residential property

Annual Tax on Developed Dwellings (ATED) returns for properties - matching the criteria, owned between the April 1 2022 to March 31 2023 period is required to be filed by April 30 2022. It applies to properties whereby it is valued in excess of £500,000, that are owned by a company or within a corporate wrapper, furthermore if the value of the dwelling has increased in recent years and its market value is more than £500,000 by the end of March 2022. There are various reliefs from these returns:  Let to a third party on a commercial basis and isn’t, at any time, occupied


Ford investing billions in EV push:

Up to $20billion has been invested in electrical vehicles in order to increase the value of environment and boosted investor sentiment. The new plan also involves hiring engineers to work on niche concepts such as battery chemistry, AI and the software for electrical vehicles. This highlights the increase in the importance of software and digitalisation of the auto industry. As a result of the investment, the share worth increased by 2.7% for Ford. ____ Will you purchase the new EV's, if yes why? If no, why not?


Is the property industry ESG ready?

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company's operations, day to day, that socially aware investors use to check for potential investments. Investment is on the incline in the office sector but will the property industry be prepared to be compliant with the ESG criteria. However, the criteria is not standardised and may delay the current progress the industry needs post COVID. The industry needs to ensure that the information on and benefits of ESG are collected and disseminated by building owners and tenants. ______ Do you be


Caribou lands $3million to manage healthcare costs for clients:

In order to make healthcare insurance decisions easier, the fintech is currently collecting data to find the best possible deals and plans for the consumers. Caribou recently landed a $3 million funding round and is looking to significantly boost growth , by creating thousands of small to middle sized RIAs helping clients to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. Caribou, which was founded during the pandemic in 2020, now includes 12 employees working in locations around the world, including Europe and Africa. This team and funding will aid deliverance of efficient healthc

Property Consulting

Nearly 50,000 Buy-to-Let companies set up in 2021:

Last year, a record high of 47, 700 companies were set up across the UK according to Companies House data. This number is double that of 2017 when the news investors with properties under their personal could no longer claim interest. However, the rate growth between prior years had fallen, with their being a 14% increase from 2020-2021 whereas there was a 30% increase between 2019-2020. Buy-to-let companies currently hold a total of 583,000 mortgaged properties which accounts for approximately 30 percent of all buy-to-let mortgages across the UK. ____ What is the future


Terry Smith adds Google to Britain’s biggest investment fund:

The investing legend has bought shares in Google's owners, Alphabet for his Fundsmith Equity fund which adds to a total of £26bn. Smith now owns four of the five biggest technology companies in USA. He is able to add to his portfolio by monitoring the market falls and has since become a 'money - making machine'. Bringing in exponential revenues, forecasting a strong growth for 2022. _____ Will you be investing in these technology giants in 2022?


Boris pledges Brexit Freedoms Bill to propel U.K investment to No.1 for Business:

By pledging thus legislation he aims to make the UK more attractive for foreign investors and will allow the newest technologies to be available in the UK, as a result encouraging investment further. In addition, he suggested that increasing the national living wage and scrapping the taper rate on Universal Credit, also providing a £12 billion support package would aid people in coping with the current increase in rates. Advice that people should be looking towards high skilled jobs and therefore higher income in order to cope with the upcoming surge in prices.  

Property Consulting

Property tax revenue at record high:

Compares to 2020 values if property transfer tax (IMT), there has been an approximately 40% increase, highest since 2004. For the first time the IMT revenue has surpassed one million euros. This tax is levied on a purchase or sale of a property also when it is exchanged. It helps determine whether the taxable equity value of a property or the transaction amount is greater. —— Do you believe there is a beneficial party in this increase?  

Property Consulting

Profit accelerate in Property Group’s record year!

The U.K based sales and letting agents, Belvoir have had a good run for 2022. They have declared that their profits have already exceeded predictions for this, post signing for 2 large acquisitions. They have mentioned that they are continuing to work on their growth strategy and discern good investment opportunities. The additions from 2021, have led to almost a 40% increase in revenue. This meant that in comparison to other property firms, Belvoir was over 20% ahead of the pre-pandemic average. However, they have not disputed the fact that the market of 2022 will be incr


Rees-Mogg investment firm offloads Russian bank shares amid Ukraine tensions:

Avoiding the current chaos in the Moscow Stock Exchange which is rooted in the fact that Vladmir Putin is building a troop to fight the tensions on the Ukraine border. Somerset Capital Management, realised that Sberbank's share value plummeted post the military push. As a result Mr Rees- Mogg advised the firm to cash in their stakes and warns that we must not be in kahoots with Russia and Putin after the poisoning of the officer in 2018 in Salisbury. Interestingly, Reese- Mogg has not worked for the firm in over 10 years , therefore the speculations over the personal benef

Property Consulting

Investing in Out-of-State Property:

When the property you have bought or sold is in a distant location the challenges increase massively. You must get to know the area you are selling or buying your property or buy a property in an area you know. Making sure there is a property management company and a maintenance worker at hand and that an inspection and or survey has been done. Check that the area you are buying in does not have falling real estate values otherwise the investment will depreciate and you will end up in loss. Lastly, networking out of state is important in order to fill vacancies, collect re


Carmaker alliance announces huge investment in electric vehicles:

Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi, the world's car giants are to invest billions in electric vehicles as announces on Thursday. They will jointly launch 35 new electric vehicles in the coming 5 years. They further suggested that there will be a huge increase in global battery production. This will lead to increasing sustainable mobility across the globe at an increasingly affordable price. The alliance aims to become carbon neutral by 2050. They aim to deliver more 'value' to the customers, shareholders and stakeholders. ______ Is this a good investment, why/ why not? C


Could the future of investment be local?

Small businesses form the stem of the American economy. This drives the economy, creates jobs for the locals offers communal spaces. This will create opportunities for people to connect and create their own identity. However, these firms are usually neglected by the investment community. ___ Do you think we should increase the funding for these businesses? Could The Future Of Investment Be Local? (

Property Consulting

Property price growth slowing, Zoopla says:

The rate at which property prices were horrifying for all across the U.K. Average prices increased by just 1 per cent in the three months to December 2021, the property portal said. This means the rate of the incline reduced by 0.3%. Predicting, that the prices will ease as the months roll on. This means the demands for areas outside London for properties, the highest level in 5 years. _____ Will you now be investing, if so, in what areas? Property price growth SLOWING, Zoopla says (

Property Consulting

How to add £10,000 to your property value:

According to thorough research collected by several estate agents the way to increase the value of your property is to add a spa bathroom! This is a bathroom which includes luxury features such as steam showers, free standing baths and the new, trendy shower heads. It creates a desirability for the buyer, adding a sense of luxury to to the property, increasing the property profit when selling the house along with the inflation. ____ Will you be investing to increase the value of your property? Property expert shares the change which can add £10,000 to your home (thesun.c


Sibros Attracts $70 Million Investment To Grow Its Over The Air Update Platform:

Sibros is currently attracting the attention of investments from different business and tech investments. The next step is a Californian based company with a large investment led by Energy Impact Partners (EIP) and many big partner companies. They issued a statement suggesting that they want to replicate their success in other markets and industries globally. This will increase the demand and the market for Sibros and will add value whilst solving the challenge of mobilisation and electrification. ___ How would you use the money to expand your firm? Sibros Attracts $70

Property Consulting

Investors turn away from property into pensions and ISAs:

Property is often seen as the base for long term passive investments and is regarded by many investors to keep their money ahead of inflation. However, the number of these investments in properties are rapidly decreasing in the younger generation and are now known to be diversified across a range of assets, despite properties being the most stable and profitable. It has been observed that property forecasts for the UK market suggest it will inflate by 21.5 percent within the next 3 years, thus property investing still holds sense. In opposition, throughout the pandemic it


Dublin- headquartered Waystone secures €35.86m investment:

Waystone, estimated to be worth over  €1 billion last year , including debt, has now joined the private equity firm : Montagu. This will ensure it expands and reach towards being classed as the number one platform for consolidation in the sector. Waystone was formed as a merger of two companies, both Dublin based firms. The company's investment is waiting upon regulatory approval and the customary closing conditions. _______ Do you think the expansion will affect other firms within Dublin, in this sector? Dublin-headquartered Waystone secures €35.86m investm


$84 trillion investment transfer incoming!

Due to the power of compounding the multigenerational wealth transfer continues to become an appetising opportunity for entrepreneurs in the financial sector. However, the question of how this wealth will transfer between generations is still under huge debate. According to an analysis conducted approximately 84.4 trillion USD worth of assets will be relayed in the next 24 years. Another comment made was that money and wealth is gradually becoming very concentrated among wealthy families. The key takeaway is that when generating wealth, the client's children should be a gr

Property Consulting

Value and Indexed Property acquires 5 properties for £30.5 million:

The London Based investment firm for commercially used properties which are being let to MKM Building Supplies Ltd, Arla Foods amba, BP Oil PLC and Marks and Spencer Group PLC, at the moment. All of these index - linked leases have a 5.6% net initial yield and have an average unexpired lease term of a decade. These properties will increase the property portfolio of the company to approximately 34%. This also meant the shares of the company on the trading market were up approximately 2% by the close of business on Friday. How are you aiming to increase your property port


U.K seeks closer investment ties with Africa:

The UK has volunteered to host the African Investment conference this week. Many could argue that this is a form of desperation to hold their control and influence on one of the planet’s greatest economies. This event will be opened by the Prime Minister, addressing African officials , business heads in Africa and the leader of the WTO.  Links with the African economy are very important with this continent. There is a huge push for investment currently due to aid cuts of just under £1 bn for this region for the following year. Therefore, the UK government is aiming to repl

Property Consulting

4 Things that will affect UK property market in the next five years:

The house prices in the market are expected to increase by approximately 13 percent, particularly, in the North where the economic outlook  is on the increase. Firstly, interest rates and regulation are heavily impacting the mortgage market, but they will not be severe enough to put the household finance industry under pressure. In addition, location choices have been tremendously affected after the pandemic as people not only want indoor dedicated work spaces but also gardens are a priority. Lastly, this housing boom will result in a short term upwards pressure causing a


Ford gains $8.2 bn from Rivian investment:

The car giant’s Ford, made an investment into the electrical truck company , Rivian. It is the longstanding rival of Tesla after the debut in November 2021.  From many financial advisors, it has been highlighted that Ford should use these funds to their advantage in promoting their cars over Tesla. However, after the new year's market fluctuations Rivian’s shares have dropped by over a quarter.  ____ Do you think the investment was wise? What should Ford be doing with the monetary advantage? Ford gains $8.2bn from Rivian investment (

Property Consulting

Buy-to-let property vs stocks and shares: where is best to invest £50k?

Until recently there were many restrictions associated with taxes and the buy-to-let market. With the steep incline in house prices, places in the capital and the South East of England are out of the question. However, the profits made by the landlords could be vast after investment by the underlying growth in the value of the property and surrounding properties. If one invested in stocks with that portion of money they would receive one-third of the profit of that made in property businesses. Conversely, investing is an ongoing affair and can be dipped in and out of.  __


Half of global cyber defence investment has been in Israel:

Israel has been a large investor in cyber defence technologies. About 50% of investment in these companies has been in Israel thus it has become a “powerhouse” in cyber defence. The Prime Minister of Israel expanded that as more and more work is being done remotely and online companies are more prone to cyber attacks and vast amounts of data can be quickly lost if not protected appropriately. In this increasingly technology dependent , many opportunities are being presented to invest, which are being snatched up rapidly. ___ Will you encourage investment in this sector?

Property Consulting

Gove closes tax loophole on second homes:

Many observed that there was a sudden increase in second home owners misusing the loophole whereby if you leave the property empty and claim it to be let to holidaymakers to avoid paying their share towards the local taxes. This is draining from those living in those local destinations and local businesses are suffering . This shift will protect the small holiday towns and home letting businesses , encouraging the tourism industry and forces the homeowners to contribute.  ___ Will you be penalised in the forthcoming year for abusing this loophole? Gove closes tax loopho


Is Atlas Financial (AFHIF) A Great Investment choice?

AFHIF, is an Illinois based company which has $5.6 million market capitalisation. It has delivered 5.56% return since the start of the year and its 12 month returns are up by over 150%. However, the company has not managed to be on the list for the 30 Most Popular Stocks among hedge funds and in the last quarter of 2021 they delivered -26.33%.  Therefore it is in question whether investing in the company is a good choice in 2022. ____ Will you be investing in AFHIF this year? Is Atlas Financial (AFHIF) A Great Investment Choice? (

Property Consulting

Should I buy a listed property?

When properties are listed they are deemed to be of high interest to the surrounding areas culture and or heritage. This categorisation is used to protect the buildings from physical and environmental changes being done in the surrounding area. Buildings are listed based on four different varieties: age and rarity, unique architectural approach and whether it has a historical or cultural value. The problem with buying these properties is if you plan to modernise, alter or extend said property under the legislation you cannot. Getting planning permission can be time consumi

Property Consulting

The BRRRR method:

This acronym stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance and Repeat. IT is deemed to be a famous strategy for property investors who aim to build a passive income over time.  It is a real estate investment method whereby one buys a property in need of reshaping, “rehabbing” it to lift it up to standards of the price wanted, renting it to tenants for the passive income, refinancing it to cover the capital invested on it and repeat the process with other properties to build a portfolio. One can make instant equity and you never need to use your own funds but you still benefit. 


Mercer global buys $238 million RIA:

Wrenn Financial Strategies in North Carolina is Mercer Global’s latest deal.The founders said that the business succession was a major consideration in their decision to sell the firm. The company offers comprehensive financial planning and portfolio management to high net worth individuals, families and corporate clientele. Mercer Global also has more facilities e.g in house estate and tax planning. __ Do you believe it was a good investment for them? Mercer Advisors Acquires Wrenn Financial Strategies, Inc. (


The rise of sustainable investment:

The increase in hunger for environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) investing is rapidly generating a surge in new products and services. The growth of sustainable investment in  financial markets accounts for approximately 40% of all professionally managed assets across the big HICs. Arguably, the reason for this is the policy agenda whereby there has been increasing numbers of regulation put in place surrounding sustainable finance. At the start of COVID-19, it was noticed that there was a debate whether ESG investing would ‘outperform’ other investment funds

Property Consulting

Relying solely on property wealth to fund retirement can be a risky business:

In 2021 the average property increased by approximately 10%, thus there is large concern brought about by 20% of homeowners in the UK. Many are considering using capital reserves to fund their retirement plans. It has been discovered that 70% of people over 65 are financially dependent on their pension as the main source of income but are also homeowners.The main message that is being communicated is to avoid depending on one property and state pension to fund later life as prices are increasingly fluctuating and major inflation is imminent,   __ Invest wisely, plan ahea

Property Consulting

Commercial Property market high:

The commercial property market in Northern Ireland has hit the record of the strongest year since 2017 aligning with investment volumes. Approximately, £10 million was invested per transaction in 2021, over 30 transactions were done. According to the survey conducted by CBRE just under 50% of overall investment was within Offices and Retail. Largest investors were institutional - this shows the turn towards a higher standard of living and provides an attractive element for international companies and thus further improved returns in 2022.  __ Will you be investing comme


Northern Ireland, ‘ Responsible’ an e-commerce firm raises £5 million investment:

  Responsible is a brand with the technology which suggests the residual value of an item to buyers. These are clothing items where one may wear the garment and return the product at any point in the future in exchange for the value of the product at the buy back price The speciality of this brand is that it operates under ‘re-commerce’ which is a new term for second hand.  The firm will use the generated money to grow the business in Europe and extend the network of other partnerships with brands.  ___ Would you invest in this business? Northern Ireland e-commerce fir


Investment opportunities for 2022:

Post COVID world seems like a pool full of new areas of discovery and opportunities. It is expected that during the first 6 months we will see steep growth simultaneous to inflation which will create big possibilities for those living in the Western world. The latter 6 months of 2022 is promising lower inflation although that may come with lower growth. However, there will be large scope to invest in the health sector and technology development. There may be potential to enforce Greentech, increased use of artificial intelligence, renewable energy and as a plant offer more

Property Consulting

Gove is pushing property firms to make buildings ‘safe’ prior to selling:

Many buildings are put at risk by cladding or facing legal action due to safety problems caused by cladding as observed by the Grenfell Tower incident. Gove has imposed a deadline for Easter to make sure this material is removed from all lowrise blocks otherwise these firms will be exposed and “pursued.”  This is due to the protest which is based upon the idea that those who have profited and continue to profit from the sale of these unsafe buildings must take responsibility. Loans for these buildings will be replaced by a limited grant scheme in order to support those wh


Acorns finalises plans to offer individual stock trades:

Although, investing in individual stocks can increase the levels of uncertainty , it also lets them have various stocks to invest in and maintain their diversity. This online investing application helps retail investors organise and prepare for their long term retirement goals. The CEO believes by selling single equities and building customised portfolios, and not charging commission the application may evolve into a virtual financial consultancy. The company plans to recommend individuals invest 10% of their money in stocks and 90% in Acorns offerings.  — Will you be

Property Consulting

Predictions for the property market 2022:

After the uproar over the Omicron variant there has been a big discussion upon predictions for the property market this year. Many experts are speculating various factors and potential difficulties facing the property sector. Post lockdown in 2020, the demand in the UK for property rapidly increased, particularly those with access to outside areas. The demand has remained the same ever since. Although the demand for properties remains high, the new build sector is struggling due to supply shortages of materials and staff due to illnesses and time being spent in quarantin


Fidelity : 60% closet tracker threshold ‘ too stringent’

Based upon a recent research paper conducted by Fidelity International, show that funds labelled as closet trackers due to their low numbers of active shares means that index concentration can distort the results. Any fund or managerial account not presenting a 60 percent level of activeness has been labelled a ‘closet tracker’.  It is suggested that below this it may become more difficult to outperform the benchmark of net charges. To test whether this theory is valid analysts created similar portfolios to see whether this figure was sensible in all circumstances. The


Credit Suisse ordered to pay former brokers about $10million:

Prior to the Christmas period  FINRA ( the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc) demanded Credit Suisse to pay seven of their ex- brokers approximately six and a half million dollars in ‘damages, costs, attorney fees’ in a case from 2015. The brokers involved in these cases went to other firms e.g Morgan Stanley and UBS.  The company is arguing that no broker is entitled to request twice the amount of money for recovery which has already been paid by the firms they work for. Credit Suisse are not required to pay deferred compensation for resignation but do if the

Property Consulting

Government eco red tape will wipe thousands off house prices:

There is an upcoming ‘eco red tape’ this could mean for several people who could be buying properties that could potentially rapidly fall in value. The government is setting net zero targets meaning buyers in the near future could be liable for thousands of money for energy efficiency upgrades. Once these targets are introduced the value of homes with lower EPC ratings will immediately depreciate. The problem with this is that there are a very low number of people that ask to see the EPC ratings of houses prior to buying.  ___ Do you think the eco red tape is a good i


U.K fintech investment surge after regulation refresh:

Fintech companies are those dealing with the ‘crossover space’ between finance and technology. Recently, there have been regulation changes for 2022 and investors are now looking to profit off of these.  In 2021, $24.3 billion was invested across Europe and over half of this was from the U.K.  The rapid increase in funding will boost the investment sector as new measures are imposed.  ____________ Will you be capitalising from U.K’s lead in the fintech sector in 2022? UK fintech investment surges after regulation refresh (

Property Consulting

Wandsworth sees the largest volume of £1 million property transaction as buyers desire space:

Wandsworth has been noted to be over 1/10 of the large transactions which had taken place last year out of a net of approximately 6000 transactions between £1m and £3m across London itself. This is seen to be the case, due to the fact that there is a bigger proportion of larger family homes and access to green spaces, following the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. This rise in demand for space has led to the regeneration of many areas and thus availability of new housing is increasing near the city.  _____ Would you move to the buzzing hub for a good price? Wandswo

Property Consulting

Multifamily properties slated to be hot commodities in 2022:

Owners of multifamily properties are set for a record breaking 2022. Higher prices of single owned homes and lower numbers of properties available mean that many are turning to rental. Due to the fact that multifamily properties values are usually grounded upon net operating income (NOI) the value of the ‘assets’ will rise naturally. Buyers who purchase properties at the start of the year will be able to take advantage of the NOI and those who already own multifamily properties will see lower vacancies in their homes.  Will you be investing in a multifamily property thi

Property Consulting

U.K house prices rise at the fastest pace since 2006:

By November this year the average price of a property in the U.K was £272,992. This is £20,000 more, 10.4% more (as a percentage) than December 2020.   Now, Why might this be, you ask?  According to Russell Galley- who is the managing director at Halifax -suggests that the issue is a shortage in available properties and competition between mortgage providers to keep their rates at “historic lows.” Shockingly, the house sales , post the stamp duty holiday, have plummeted and show a 9 year low.  Many believe this is due to the COVID-19 variants which have restricted citiz


The January Effect:

  One might be hearing this phrase “The January Effect” circulating around a lot but what does it actually mean? In investment and trading terms, it is recognised as the increase in stock prices throughout the month of January. Often following a decrease in stock price of the previous month. The reasons for this are relating to tax loss harvesting, investment of end of year bonuses, consumer sentiment and mutual fund managers hoping to purchase and reshape their portfolios.   To prepare oneself, you must research a company’s financial health. This includes: revenues, g

Property Consulting

How property technology could help solve the UK’s housing crisis:

House prices have been rising without a rhyme or reason for years, however, there aren't enough properties to buy and a majority of the properties don't mee the government standard. However, the ever evolving landscape of property technology is providing digital solutions to the property and real estate scene. The average house in England is costing 9 times the amount over the average salary and so affordability is a major issue in this crisis. The spiralling price of property has encouraged entrepreneurs from proptech and fintech to come up with solutions that make ascend


USA: Retirees remaining anxious despite the decline in inflation!

Almost 55% of Senior Citizens will remain sceptical of the rising costs this year, despite the fact the rate of inflation is trending downwards. Virtually the same proportion of respondents said that in 2022, their household costs rose by more than the 6% of the increase in benefits from that year. As to whether 2023 will be the year in which seniors catch up with inflation, an overwhelming 96% of survey respondents don’t think so. On a political note, 62% of the respondents think Congress should protect Social Security and Medicare benefits from delays or automatic cuts t

Property Consulting

Australian Property companies’ earnings suffering!

Rising interest rates could prompt wave of forced sales, further hitting house prices. This has also led to new listings collapsing and sellers unwilling to reduce their prices to the level of many other companies. The real estate company, McGrath has reported an 83% drop in net profit for the next six months, due to the poor spring season. This significant drop has been predicted by reduced sale volumes. The owner of the company predicts rising house prices in 2024, and remarks on the need for a 'breather' after the rapid growth of the past 3 years. The pullback in listin

Property Consulting

Approximately 13000 companies with UK property have failed to declare owners!

These offshore companies will now be facing fines and bans on selling their land, as indicated by the government. The introduction of the new register of overseas owners of UK properties, saying it had been “invaluable for tax and revenue services, bringing transparency to opaque offshore trusts often used to obscure assets for tax purposes”. This number is approximately 40% of properties beneficial owners. There would now be further investigatory powers for Companies House and the Insolvency Service and investment of up to £20m to spend tackling money laundering through c

Property Consulting

UK industrial real estate market is plummeting!

The UK industrial property values have fallen by approximately 26% in 6 months. Since 2008, there has never been such a loss of value in such a short period of time. However, since 2022, the yields on industrial property has increased by more than 120 basis points. Quarterly rental growth remained positive for hotel, office, residential and industrial property, according to the index. A 12.8% drop in all-property capital values in the last three months of 2022 was the major drag on performance as high inflation, rising interest rates and a higher cost of capital all impact