
Investment zones could be allowed in England’s national parks:

Recent documents have been released which are suggesting a relax on planning laws and permission could be given even in the most protected national parks. This is to accelerate development. The deadline for councils to apply to host an investment zone is 14 October. The government says the zones “will benefit from tax incentives, planning liberalisation and wider support for the local economy” and will be granted after a “rapid” selection process. Key planning policies to ensure developments are well designed, maintain national policy on the green belt, protect our heritag


Investment Zones are attacking nature!

In order to develop areas across UK the government has planned for investment zones which have caused a great uproar by the wildlife trusts. This proposal by the government includes relaxation of planning rules to allow business development which are said to be "consent driven," however, there are fears of removing environmental protection from certain areas. Comments are being made such as : "These plans sound more like destruction zones than investment zones to us." There are already five West Midlands councils on the investment zone shortlist, with further applications