Property Consulting

Looking to 2023: Were the house price forecasters correct?

The mass uncertainty of much of what has gone on has made the job of predicting the future of the housing market especially challenging. Back in January 2022, the Residential Market Survey, based on a poll of estate agents, was optimistically reporting increasing buyer demand and a shortage of stock. Agents expected both prices and sales numbers to increase over spring – and they were right. The housing market demand to started melting away during the boiling hot summer. Since then, the combination of political whirlpool, the mini budget, rising interest rates, and the cos

Property Consulting

Predictions for the property market 2022:

After the uproar over the Omicron variant there has been a big discussion upon predictions for the property market this year. Many experts are speculating various factors and potential difficulties facing the property sector. Post lockdown in 2020, the demand in the UK for property rapidly increased, particularly those with access to outside areas. The demand has remained the same ever since. Although the demand for properties remains high, the new build sector is struggling due to supply shortages of materials and staff due to illnesses and time being spent in quarantin