
25% of scam victims are ages 18-24 years of age.

Investment scam victims lose £8,585 on average and people aged 18-24 lured by “get rich quick” promises are the most likely to be conned. Victims aged under 45 now account for 70 per cent of reported investment scams, Lloyds Bank said. Analysis of its data also suggests that people typically make three payments to fraudsters over the course of an investment scam. People aged 18-24 lost £1,433 on average. Predictably, analysis suggests that social media platforms are the main breeding ground for these types of scams, with a mix of false advertisements , fake endorsements an


Investment scams warning issued by FCA

The Financial Conduct Authority has issued a warning to keep a watch for investment scams as the number of inquiries has shot up to over 16,000 which is an increase of 33% for the same period in the year before. Crypto currency asset scams were listed as being the top reported, however there has been some impersonating alerts from FCA . FCA has also said that it is taking immediate action in the consumer investment market and has stopped about 1 in 4 firms from joining it. ____________ How large of a concern to you believe this is?