Property Consulting

Boris Johnson: Legislation imposed to expose dirty money in UK property

UK's property market is being ruled with a new legislation to reduce the amount of dirty money in order to push out the wealth of Russia's government and overseas owners of properties who have not revealed their true identities. The Conservatives first committed to introducing a Register of Overseas Entities Bill six years ago but there has been little action since a government consultation closed in 2018. The domestic measures focusing on illicit finance in the UK follow a number of sanctions on Russian banks, airlines, oligarchs and more than 100 entities associated with


What is REIT? Is it a good investment?

REIT has been around since the 1960s, currently over 40 countries have taken up this model. REITs stands for Real Estate Investment Trusts is a privilege which has been extended to all investors around the world who may want to invest in local or international REITs. The most popular examples are FTSE EPRA and Nareit Global Estate Index Series. The index holds REITs and non-REIT listed property companies and includes the Developed Markets and Emerging Markets indices. REITs may generate a steady income, however, there is little in the way of capital appreciation. ________

Property Consulting

Rising interest rates and house prices are leading to downward spiral of property sales:

As there has been a hike up in interest rates, cost of living and house prices, new home buyers and and the younger generation will find moving onto the property ladder extremely difficult. This is because affordability is rapidly decreasing and even one in five current homeowners saying that their mortgages will soon become unaffordable. A key is the Bank of England increasing the base rate from 0.1 per cent to 0.25 per cent at the close of 2021, it is predicted to be 1 percent by the middle of March 2022. The house prices as calculated in January 2022, have increased by


Climate investment is sky rocketing!

In 2021 alone, $40 billion was invested across just 600 deals operating in climate change. Approximately 1400 investors, across the world are now focussing on the companies which are tackling this issue. These figures are should a double in capital made than the year before. The reason for this spike is that those who invest in venture capital funds are discovering the impacts of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) which will also aid the plant in the short and long term. It is predicted that due to vast activity in this sector, investment in fusion energy technolog


Barclays full year net profit increases in four fold:

Barclays, the corporate and investment bank has quadrupled the full net year profit. The figures are a significant improvement of 2020 and the fourth quarter of that year as U.K was trying to pass through the lockdown stages. The full year profit was £8.4 billion which is up form £3.1 billion in 2020. The original forecast of the fourth quarter net income, attributable to shareholders was £756.5 million whereas it came out to be £1.12 billion. __________________ Do you believe the other banks are lacking behind, if not, why not?

Property Consulting

U.K property market taking a hit as house sales fall:

The house sales in January 2022 have fallen by 10% compared to January 2021. Although, the number of transactions are 5.1% higher than that of December 2021. This is due to a temporary stamp duty holiday being put in place last year ending at the start of October 2021. This meant more transactions took place last year and those which possibly would have been in 2022 occurred, in order to make the most out of their tax savings. Furthermore, large property companies have reported that house asking prices have inclined by the biggest amount in 20 years. __________________ D


Confusion over crypto currency!

Clients are now demanding access to their digital assets but are unsure of how to get them, when they will be able to and will brokers be able to sell them. Brokers are aiming to avoid trading straight assets directly, leaving that to specialty shops but instead give advisers access to a selected number of digital and crypto linked funds while waiting for SEC and give the all clear on exchange traded funds that invest into Bitcoin like currencies. However, due to the increase in demand the all clear is taking longer so access to the currency is taking longer. ____________

Property Consulting

£37.7 million postcode property price gap

When it comes to the most and the least expensive properties there is millions of pounds difference at stake. This was calculated through data of sale prices of property across England and Wales. This is because the property estimated value is calculated as an average for the postcode but does not take into account the individual unique features. The issue with this is that properties with extremely high prices stagnate on the market for ages on end. ______________ Which postcode do you think is the most expensive, and the least?

Property Consulting

Scared of buying properties? Few tips to help you!

According to a recent study, there has not been a drop in the number of Britons buying properties abroad post- Brexit. However, there are a few things expats should look out for. One should focus on identifying the location that will suit you the best (considering all factors) and what kind of property you would want as due to the pandemic Britons are prioritising houses with outdoor space. Setting a realistic budget as other factors will impact the overall cost. Keeping in mind currency conversion is a must! For reference, Spain is considered to be one of the most popular


Is the 60/40 ratio for portfolio’s still applicable?

The portfolio ratio meant that, 60 percent of funds are put into equity and 40 percent are allocated to a fixed - income portfolio. However, the standing and forecasted market future is making it less likely that this mixture will still be successful. With interest rates increasing, alternatives are definitely worth looking at. For example, long- short investing or venture capital whereby the equity markets don't need to spike in order for you to be successful. Although, suitability is a big factor, depending on what extent the investor is willing to pass up the liquidity