Property Consulting

China’s GDP growth below target as property and zero COVID injuries mount the economy:

China's third quarter data has been delayed, spurring queries, as Xi Jinping takes power at the party congress. China's GDP is currently majorly below the third quarter target, the intensification of these stock fall come from downfall of the property market and the tycoons in the past quarter. There is huge concern for the world's second largest economy. In the past three decades this is, for sure, the lowest growth of GDP. There has been 'panic selling' of shares to grow the economy and also reduce the pressure for investors. Despite, creation of more local housing in th


Twitter: a good long term investment?

Greenlight capital, recently released its third quarter 2022 investor letter. In the third quarter, Greenlight Capital funds returned 4.0% net of fees and expenses compared to a 4.9% decline for the S&P 500 index. For the nine months ended September 2022, the fund delivered a 17.7% return net of fees and expenses compared to a 23.9% decline for the S&P 500 index. In its, third quarter it discussed twitter which was 16.07% and its shares lost 19.75% of their value over the last 52 weeks. However, time and time again the big hedge fund investors return to investment


UK crisis is forcing businesses to halt investment:

British company owners are having to pull investments as the economic crisis has hiked up borrowing costs and even ability. This has shaken the confidence of the Brits, the same economy which was once known as the "haven of stability," by many. In the last month, business leaders have had to contend with radical changes to tax, a collapse in the pound and a surge in borrowing costs that forced the appointment of a new finance minister to reverse the tax cuts and slash spending instead. A two-year scheme to help homes and businesses with high energy costs has been cut to si

Property Consulting

Property prices have increased despite mini budget fallout:

September's mini budge has sent the housing market into chaos with an increased uncertainty, mortgage rates soaring, pound tumbling, buyer's now lacking confidence. First time buyers have now pulled out of their plans to move, this has recorded as a 21% decrease. On the brighter side, the demand is still 24% higher than 2019. The jump is more than the average Brits’ annual salary, and comes at a time when rising mortgage rates are acting as yet another barrier to those looking to get on the property ladder. __________________________ What tips can we offer those who are


Truss’ ‘investment zones’ cancelled!

Liz Truss 'investment zones' are hit by efforts to reduce tax breaks and in fear of creating an 'open ended cheque book'. The creation of scores of new low-tax, low-regulation business areas was one of the key “supply-side” economic reforms that the prime minister announced last month. While new chancellor Jeremy Hunt on Monday scrapped many of the measures in the “mini” Budget to help calm financial markets, he said supply-side reforms, including the new investment zones, would be kept. Under the current plans, companies in designated areas will benefit from full business

Property Consulting

Ireland has posed a winter eviction ban!

The Irish government has approved a ban on new evictions, which will last until March. This has left property owners threatening to take legal action. The eviction ban will not extend to tenants who refuse to pay rent or misuse property, furthermore, existing notices to quit will still be enforceable. Due to the energy crisis and other economical struggles landlords are leaving the sector, however, this ban is hinting to leave them in financial stress. . Support services were “maxed out” and people were falling into homelessness. The eviction ban was “the least worst optio


NHS investment boosts wider UK economy!

Each £1 spent on health generates £4 of growth for the wider economy as there has been increasing workforce numbers after the post-pandemic drop in GDP. The health services are battling rising inflation, high energy costs and the prospect of further spending reduction as the government have enforced the "fiscal discipline" due to the setting of Kwarteng's mini budget. Post the era of high sickness levels causing absences great investment in the NHS is needed to reduce the treatment backlog but also the allowing an increase in people able to work. From the 2015-2020 data co

Property Consulting

UK commercial property sector is plummeting due to interest rates:

Goldman Sachs warns that there is a £14bn price crash due to the exponentially rising interest rates. The investment bank predicted that values across the sector could fall by 15 per cent to 20 per cent between June this year and the end of 2024, effectively wiping up to £14billion off the portfolios of some of the industry’s biggest players. Goldman analysts said the sharp ‘price correction’ would come as a result of the rising cost of funding as interest rate hikes from the Bank of England made it more expensive for developers to take out loans. Oil prices were on the ba


Financial scams ‘now a threat to UK’s security’

Financial fraud should be treated as a national security threat, experts have said. An industry trade body warned criminal gangs were now bypassing banks' advanced security systems and targeting customers directly. UK Finance said £90.5million of APP scams was due to criminals impersonating people such as bank staff or police. The number of individuals being scammed are increasing exponentially and are not being saved, leaving them helpless. _____________________________ How can technology be improved to combat this ever growing issue?

Property Consulting

Some UK property funds defer investor withdrawals:

Pension funds typically hold a small percentage of their assets in real estate, which can offer regular income like a bond but also the opportunity of capital value growth over time. But real estate can be tough to trade in and out of compared with stocks or bonds, meaning property funds have to have special mechanisms which give managers time to sell assets to cash investors out. Many pension funds opted to sell bonds to soothe their liquidity crunches but others are also looking to reduce their exposure to less liquid assets like real estate in the near term, according t