The British economy is currently facing a gap of approximately £97 billion to meet the nature- related goals by 2032. Without investment, as outlined in the public policy of the 25 year environment plan, both the natural environment and the economy are at risk of collapsing. Approximately, £600million worth of housing is at risk of being submerged if the financial sector does not step up. While the recent donation from Aviva of £38 million to the Wildlife Trust is a welcome development, donations are not a sustainable model for financing nature recover.With the Treasury already stretched to its limits and further tax rises not compatible with the cost-of-living crisis it seems hard to imagine the government will be able to address the urgent funding gap at the required speed, or scale, to halt and reverse species decline. The only hope therefore is private sector finance and commercial capital.


How should we approach needing to meet the target by 2032?

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