Property Consulting

How property technology could help solve the UK’s housing crisis:

House prices have been rising without a rhyme or reason for years, however, there aren't enough properties to buy and a majority of the properties don't mee the government standard. However, the ever evolving landscape of property technology is providing digital solutions to the property and real estate scene. The average house in England is costing 9 times the amount over the average salary and so affordability is a major issue in this crisis. The spiralling price of property has encouraged entrepreneurs from proptech and fintech to come up with solutions that make ascend


USA: Retirees remaining anxious despite the decline in inflation!

Almost 55% of Senior Citizens will remain sceptical of the rising costs this year, despite the fact the rate of inflation is trending downwards. Virtually the same proportion of respondents said that in 2022, their household costs rose by more than the 6% of the increase in benefits from that year. As to whether 2023 will be the year in which seniors catch up with inflation, an overwhelming 96% of survey respondents don’t think so. On a political note, 62% of the respondents think Congress should protect Social Security and Medicare benefits from delays or automatic cuts t

Property Consulting

Australian Property companies’ earnings suffering!

Rising interest rates could prompt wave of forced sales, further hitting house prices. This has also led to new listings collapsing and sellers unwilling to reduce their prices to the level of many other companies. The real estate company, McGrath has reported an 83% drop in net profit for the next six months, due to the poor spring season. This significant drop has been predicted by reduced sale volumes. The owner of the company predicts rising house prices in 2024, and remarks on the need for a 'breather' after the rapid growth of the past 3 years. The pullback in listin


Why have interest rates in the UK increased, again?

The Bank of England has raised interest rates for the 10th time in a row, upping the base rate from 3.5 per cent to 4 per cent. The Bank have commented upon the fact that the UK is still heading into a recession, however, but the downturn will be shorter and less steep. Therefore, we will be able to recover quicker. Peak-to-trough gross domestic product (GDP) is set to shrink by 1 per cent – down from the 3 per cent previously projected. Rates will then stay above 3.25 per cent for at least the next three years, according to the forecast. This is despite inflation starting


Finance gap in UK’s economy : Is Nature the answer?

The British economy is currently facing a gap of approximately £97 billion to meet the nature- related goals by 2032. Without investment, as outlined in the public policy of the 25 year environment plan, both the natural environment and the economy are at risk of collapsing. Approximately, £600million worth of housing is at risk of being submerged if the financial sector does not step up. While the recent donation from Aviva of £38 million to the Wildlife Trust is a welcome development, donations are not a sustainable model for financing nature recover.With the Treasury al


EU in discussion to loosen state aid rules:

The EU is planning to loosen state aid rules to boost renewables investment. The EU is aiming to get on par with the US green subsidy race. European policymakers have been under pressure to respond to the US president Joe Biden’s $369bn (£298bn) Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to encourage renewables investment in everything from electric cars to wind turbines. BP released a statement lobal carbon emissions were expected to fall quicker than it had previously expected as a result of the war in Ukraine and Biden’s efforts to encourage green investment. ________________


UK businesses cut investment, as the interest rate rises

Senior Executives from the Bank of England suggest that the higher interest rates are denting capital spending, however, are expecting a slight increase in wages. Business leader have commented that as there was an increase in interest their investing has decreased by 8%. Despite this, a 0.5% wage growth is predicted. This is hinting to the BoE having to now tighten their monetary policy in 2023. Moreover, inflation expectations within businesses were unchanged. Post Pandemic the UK economy entered into a recession which resulted in higher interest rates and higher energy

Property Consulting

UK house prices fall for the fourth month in a row!

Average house prices have gone down in the longest run since 2008. The average house prices are approximately £262,068, the house price growth has also been the lowest since the middle of 2020 during the pandemic. House price growth slowed in all UK regions, particularly in south-west England, where the annual rate fell from 12.5% to 4.3% in the last quarter, while in Wales annual growth slowed from 12.1% to 4.5%. England overall recorded a rate of 4.8%, down from 9.9%, with London the weakest performing English region, as annual growth eased to 4.1% from 6.7% in the third

Property Consulting

Looking to 2023: Were the house price forecasters correct?

The mass uncertainty of much of what has gone on has made the job of predicting the future of the housing market especially challenging. Back in January 2022, the Residential Market Survey, based on a poll of estate agents, was optimistically reporting increasing buyer demand and a shortage of stock. Agents expected both prices and sales numbers to increase over spring – and they were right. The housing market demand to started melting away during the boiling hot summer. Since then, the combination of political whirlpool, the mini budget, rising interest rates, and the cos


Qatar reviews investment in London after TfL ads are banned

TfL has banned the Gulf state's tourism over the countries anti-gay laws. The ban has reportedly angered Qatari authorities, who have faced strong criticism in the run-up to and during the World Cup including the criminalisation of homosexual relationships. The state’s $450bn (£372bn) sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), is one of the capital’s largest property owners, with Harrods, the Shard and the prestigious Savoy and Grosvenor House hotels among the iconic buildings on its portfolio. It is also a co-owner of Canary Wharf and has a 20 per cent s